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opC++ Compiler

opC++ Language

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Quick Tutorials

These quick tutorials are a good way to get to know what opC++ can do for you, and how you can quickly get started using improved C++ dialects.

Rss Serialization

This tutorial is designed to show you quickly and concisely just how easy serialization is with opC++.

Project Files (VS 2005): RssSerialization.zip

External Reflection

This tutorial shows how to use opC++ reflection externally, that is, without any instances of the objects you're querying information from.

Project Files (VS 2005): ExternalReflection.zip

Instance Reflection

This tutorial shows how to use opC++ instance reflection. This shows you how to use opC++ reflection on object instances.

Project Files (VS 2005): InstanceReflection.zip

Reflection Visitors

This tutorial shows how to use opC++ reflection visitors and data accessors.

Project Files (VS 2005): ReflectionVisitors.zip

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